When you have any of these ailments, especially associated with your feet and you are on them 24/7, the situation can feel hopeless. Even if you feel like you’ve already tried everything out there, there might still be hope.
MLS Laser Therapy is a recent medical advancement that has been proven to be effective and can help you get the relief from the ebbing pain you feel every day.
We want to introduce you to this relatively new process so you can get acquainted with the procedure and ask if your doctor if you are eligible for it and if it would help your condition.
What is MLS Laser Therapy?
MLS Laser therapy, which is Multiwave Lock System Laser Therapy, is a treatment that is safe and has a minimally invasive procedure which uses a laser light to target the pain, reduce inflammation and give relief. The laser uses a high amount of energy to be able to penetrate deep into the skin to target those problem areas. Once it is applied, it begins to work its magic in wound healing and soft tissue repair.
How does it work?
Although it may seem like it, MLS Laser Therapy is not magic. It is a careful science that divulges the use of two therapeutic wavelengths, a 905-nanometer wavelength that is used as an analgesic and an 808-nanometer wavelength particularly used as an antiedemic and an anti-inflammatory.
What sets it apart from other treatments out there is that the laser therapy delves itself down deeper into tissues and nerves that most therapies cannot reach. They also have a wider range which then allows them to be able to not only go deeper but wider spread into the affected tissues.
Dr. Jean Santo, who is an anesthesiologist and pain management specialist, explains the process, saying that the two wavelengths synchronize together until a metabolic reaction happens in your cells, which begins the process of healing, which then ultimately leads to pain relief. These two lasers also raise your circulation levels in the problem area, which then distributes oxygen and blood to where you have pain. When there is more blood and oxygen, the tissue can then begin to heal, the cells can begin to repair, and the healthy tissue also begins to grow, taking over the bad tissue.
Another positive result of MLS laser therapy is the fact that it is pure and “natural”, not having to use drugs or surgeries. Up to today, there are also no known side effects, which is a fresh breath of air when it comes to modern medication. Most solutions to a problem also come with an extra baggage of the possibility of side effects. The therapy is also quick and convenient, which gives you an ample amount of time to do the things you want and not what you have to.
Does it work?
It also may seem way too good to be true. Studies have actually shown that this type of treatment is as or even more effective than other medicine or physical therapy.
What is tendinitis and how can MLS Laser Therapy help?
If you think you suffer from tendinitis and other treatments have not had any significant positive results, you should consider MLS Laser Therapy.
This is what tendinitis is:
Achilles tendinitis first begins as a stiff and dull feeling directly in the Achilles tendon area. In most cases, a small bump will then develop which leads to a sharp pain — much different than the dull pain in the beginning. Throughout suffering from tendinitis, the pain will fluctuate due to extra exercise, even though it wasn’t necessarily caused at any point in time. Quite the contrary, tendinitis often develops over time. Fortunately, the pain doesn’t usually spread to the rest of the foot or calf, but can really keep you from walking or running without pain.
If you have tendinitis, this is how MLS Laser Therapy targets the issue and helps with the problem:
1. Speeds up the healing process of the wound.
2. Increases blood flow to the problem area.
3. Begins to revive function in the nerves and repair them.
4. Brings relief to your pain.
5. Is an anti-inflammatory, decreasing swelling.
6. Accelerates the repair and cell growth of the tissue.
7. Increases the production of ATP energy.
8. Increases repair and regeneration.
9. Reduces the formation of fibrous tissue.
10. Focuses on acupressure and trigger points.
What is plantar fasciitis and how can MLS Laser Therapy help?
If you have plantar fasciitis and find that no other treatment brings you relief, you should also consider MLS Laser Therapy.
Plantar fasciitis is centralized in the calcaneus, which is the heel bone. On a daily basis, the heel receives a majority of the stress when walking. This is because it is the first part in congruence with the rest of the foot to make contact with the ground. It also provides 80 percent of the stability of the foot.
When you have pain located in this area where the plantar fascia is attached to the calcaneus and is only centralized there — you probably have plantar fasciitis. Of course, we recommend you to get checked by your doctor before self-diagnosing.
This ailment occurs in a large percent of the population. Plantar fasciitis is easily caused by poor footwear, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and quite the opposite cause — sports injuries.
If you have plantar fasciitis, you can try MLS Laser Therapy to:
1. Positively affect the cellular metabolism and protein synthesis.
2. Promote healing in the wound.
3. Trigger an immune response that translates directly into healing.
4. Fight inflammation in the fascia.
5. Reduce heel pain.
6. Speed up the recovery time.
7. Stimulate healing by accelerating quality and strength of tissue repair.
If you have either of these ailments and are looking for relief or to try out MLS Laser Therapy, please contact us to get in touch for an appointment.